Herberton Hostel Kids


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TALE TALES. The author

Baggy Pants and milk bottles

 I first arrived at Herberton from New Guinea in Feb 1962, all bright and shiny. My good mother, God bless her, had kitted me out in new clothes. All especially Taylor made by our local chines tailor for school down south. As I was to be away for 10 months my mother had the clothes tailored, with adolescent growth in mind

Once all dressed and decked out in my new school uniform. What a site to behold

The shoes were so large that it took great fist fulls of news paper to stuff and pad the inside of the shoe so as to hold them on my feet. I cold only shuffle as if I were to lift my feet, the shoes would shorly fall off. We often parted company. They looked like black wooden Dutch shoes.

The Shorts! Well. They would be in fashion now with the skateboard set. They came well down below my knees, with bulk and ample internal space to match. I was well air conditioned.

The shirt! Large billowing fold making large sails The sleaves rolled up tight as they would roll. Still did not clear the wrist so they were pulled up the arm, adding to the billowing sail effect.

The whole ensemble was quite (no words come to mind) at only 5ft tall I had been dressed in clothes that a 6ft person could grow into. I have not grown sine except for some horizontal growth. I eventually sold the cloths to a student that was really that tall and broad to match. He came from Dutch New Guinea during the Indonesian transition. I bought new cloths from Jack & Newells with the proceeds.

Now being so unique and standing out from the crowd it was not to hard to be focus of attention.

At the start of day we had an assembly, raising of the flag and the national anthem was sung. Followed by the compulsory health giving drink of bottled milk. Often already curdled. We all stood in line and at attention and sang the national anthem.

God save our gracious Queen (Pop, Pop.)  Long live our noble Queen (The Milk is already In both left and right pockets) God save our Queen ( the milk is now flowing down the legs) and on the  anthem goes and so starts Rods school day.

Tall Tale

Boys Climbing The Cliffs at Cherry Tree Creek Gorge.

At regular intervals we would walk out to Cherry Tree Creek (Of recent notorious fame.) as an excursion. Along the road or the railway. It does not matter. The town water comes from a dam out there. One way to reach the dam is to follow he water main up the gorge. And then walk along it where it is bolted to the cliff, exciting as Big Kev would say.

On fine afternoon Garry and I decided to try our luck on the opposite cliff. Across the creek and up we went. Ok at first but the smooth granite soon ran out of foot and hand holds. The only way is up. We reached an impasse. STUCK! No help here resolve your own problem. You created it. The knees a knocking and the plumbing leaking decisions were made.

Keep going. First one boy would prostrate himself against the cliff and stretch out as far as possible, and then the second would climb over the top of the first boy. This gave us the reach of double our hight and we were able to reach a hold of sorts .This process was then repeated over and over, each boy swapping position until we reached a more comfortable slope near the top. Vary scary.

And lived to tell the Tall Tale.


The white house is a small locked building ½ way between the old boys hostel land the girls side. Behind the white house there was a circular area where the tall grass was laid flat. A result of illicite liaisons. Study was from 6 to 8 pm in the evening. At that time some people would slip of to their appointed rendezvous. It could take considerable effort to organise one of these furtive events. These occasions were only short lived as lights were called at 9 pm. It was no mistake that lights out was a very vocal affaire. Summoning individuals from various secluded haunts. A great flurry of activity.

At another time I developed the habit of staying behind in the study to extra home work. I got very good grades that semester. But my motives had nothing to do with academia. I was trying to stretch my time to be able to comply with a mid night rendezvous. The study would last until 10.30pm and then up to bed, not too quietly, here is Rod going to bed .I would then quietly make up my bed with extra pillows borrowed from caring confidants. I would even dress the pillow dummies to a point. This saved my bacon on one occasion when a bed check was carried out. Not to thorough, thank goodness. It was useful to have a buddy lookout. On more than one occasion, on my turn to be buddy and lookout, I had to sneak out at day break to bring back individuals that had fallen asleep.

Then I would wait for the appointed hour, with blanket under arm. It was too dangerous to sneak out through the corridors as the floor boards made so much noise. Much safer to sneak out through the windows and across the roof to the ally bellow, then to keep to the shadows until you were down on the railway line. Stoop to hide behind the hight of the stinking roger cane and then a quick stooped jog to the tin ore crushing and processing plant.The battery. Then the wait in the dark for the shadows coming down past the back of the dolls house. Wrapped in blankets and crushing the frost under foot.

At about 4am the heaters for the bitumen plant would fire up with the jet plane roar. They were building Holcroft Drive at the time. This was the signal to return digs. Fond farewells and back along the railway and back up past the kitchen and not to get caught by the early start kitchen staff.

My admiration for my accomplices is astounding. When I consider the risks they took and the bravery they displayed .They certainly were very adventurous. They are remembered with the fondest of regards.


 The white house is a small building halfway between the girls and boys hostel.

The Dolls House is another accommodation section of the hostel where the junior members were cared fore by Mrs Wormsly. Some of these children were only prep graders and finished there schooling at Herberton.

The Pine Tree

It was the end of the year. Exams over. Spare time and idle hands. Spontaneous decision that Herberton needed a Christmas tree. Chose the Norfolk pine behind the girls study just across the road from the council hall. It is a tall tree now and it was a tall tree then. Found a large supply of toilet paper and set of to do the deed at midnight. Once again it was so bright that no lights were needed.

Dont know how I managed the task but I did manage to get the streamers out to the extended branches. Climbing to the top was scary, just one narrow stalk. Dont lean out and it should hold? Ballance of centre and snap!

Well the task was done and large pine is decorated with white streamers. Off to school satisfied with my handy work and in full denial of any complicity.

Lunch time comes and I am confronted by the strong arm and told to clean it up or ELSE. No lunch today. Up like possum and down came the streamers. You can do anything with the right incentive.

Lived to tell another Tall Tale.


There is always that kid that authority has difficulty communicating with. The solution in this case is simple .Just assert that authority. This has to be a record. First thing every morning that authority was asserted. Immediately from assembly. MacGowan up the office. Wait ten minutes then the little ceremony

Stand there. Put your hand out. CRACK. The cane is in full duty. Nine to go. So another day in Rods education begins. The canes split and the splinter, catch and splits the skin. That is why they are called the cuts. That slowed down one teenage activity. Proberly saved me from going blind. I am told that number of cuts had to be some sort of record.

Tall Tale.

Oh. The Pictures

Not bad for 20cents, and the canvas seats? Thos seats really out do Village Gold Pass. I doubt if I could perform those tricks at the Village

Summer Holliday

Cant remember all the Presley titles, Pink Panther. 

And for the boys John Wayne James Bond.

And a host of others entertaining movies. Not that many of us got to see to see them all

At intervals, I had distractions.

The boys had to sit on the left side of the theatre and the girls to the right. So that any interaction that was possible, required some covert action. There was a small instant between the Movietone News and the Loony Tune cartoon, that there was no light for a second or two. It was that split second that you could use to slip across the isle. Then the search and destroy mission on the right side of the theatre. Climbing along and over all those old ruffled dresses until you had found the correct address. And settled in for the movie. Then the manoeuvring and defensive plays would occupy the rest of the evening.

Returning after the movie was just pure risk. I guess he authorities just had blind eyes.

Tall Tale

Living in NewGuinea as a child you got used to being active in the heat.I rode bisicles and walked every were all over the town of Rabaul. A lovely and exciting place suronded by volcnoes and a coaral sea harbor. Lots of mountain climbing and swimming. And playing with war relics.

Arriving in Herberton I had lots of energy to burn. I did not like the cloisters of the hostel and rebelled about the incasteration.I took to running. I dont know how it started but it did. No I am not Forrest Gump but there is some of that there. I guess I ran to escape, enjoyed the freedom.. Of a morning I would rise early and set of running to Wondecla sports oval a short 3 or 4 miles south of town .Usually it was cold with frost crunching under foot. The smell of hot bread.. The morning was mine and the only  trespasser was the milk man. To drink that milk with the ice on it straight from the billy can. Oh. Up past Kanes bakery with the smell of fresh country bread in a wood oven and onwards out of town to the smell of those lemon centred gums. The scent of eucaliptus and lemmon just fresshend you up eager to go on up and down those steep hills. Out down the pinch to the oval and check my watch. Four quick laps and look at the time Try to keep it under 5 minuets.4.55 ye ok. and back to bisk pace back to town. Under the rail and up the hill.Back in time for a shower and breakfast and on to the ablution chores.

The hostel evenings were spent in the study doing home work, or pretending to. Six to 8 pm. after study many listened to the Beatles hour on 4BC A radio station 1000 miles away.. Me I was of running again.Out the Bumb. Try to get back befor lights out at 9pm.Another lonly run to be shared with thoe lemon gums, but at night they do not smell as strong.Hardlly a car.No bithumum just gravel. Ok on a moon lite night but talk about black on a moonless night. Run past Cherry Tree Creek to over the cutting to were the road slopes down towards Atherton. Pause ,Catch a breath and turn around and back to Herberton. You could feel if you were makng good time. Back just on, or after lights out depending on my fitness 1hr 05 ye ok.

Did crack the 60 minutes one night but dont think I repeated that.

What happened to the running. Well it just died. I came back after christmas holidays and the ability to run long distances at pace was gone. I dont know why. That realy is the end of the story.

Or Tall  Tale.


42 inches of rain overnight Started to rain at 9pm and pity much was all over by 4am. We were at the movies and you could not hear anything except the din on the tin roof

The girls walked home to Woodleigh College (St Maries) across the bridge as the flood water burbled through the decking.

Some wet tea shirt comp that must have been

The bridge Walkway was found at the causeway

The battery dam wall only caused a ripple to the flow of the torrent.

I slept in my comfy digs and awoke in the morning to the roar of the flowing river. Wow The Wild River was living up to its name. What had happened over night? As our dinning room was on the other side of the river there as no breakfast lunch or tea. Big adventure and did not bother us to much.

The day was out exploring the damage. The bridge was gone. Out to Wandecla along the railway, there is still water over the road there. Back to town and listen to the news and gossip. Missing cars and people. A car had gone into nigger creek and been swept away. It was not until the next morning that a search could be mounted. The car was soon found stuck under the rail overpass and the driver soon after that that. It took many hours to find a missing woman. Naked and up a tree. Sharing that tree with assorted  snakes  possums and lizards. It was a former hostel boy, Danny Botteral, that swam out into the dangerous torrent to bring back that hapless individual. The out come could have been quiet tragic. Tineroo dam was very low and had filled overnight. That is the same as filling Sydney harbour with water overnight. The rest of the Tablelands a shambles. No power. Herberton being at the end of the line it was obvious that repairs would take some time.

The good part is that we could not cross the Wild River so there was no school until the teachers organised a tutorial in the study god bless them but I guess they needed to be payed.

They could not make bread as there was no yeast. Good old CWA came to the rescue. Simple for the old people that new how. Peel potatoes and ferment the skins. Scrape the goo of the top and feed that goo sugar and there is your wort of yeast. Now we all cold enjoy bread.

I can not remember how long before they managed to put a foot tressel across the gaps where the bridge had been. Very springy and loads of fun.

Much later on a visiting sports team from Mareeba were not too impressed especially as we jumped on the trestles to make them bounce. This condition seamed to last a year. One of my photos indicates that to be the case.

Been a few road washouts since then

Tale Tale